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Provision for Learning

Our vision is to promote a love of learning in order to maximise the life chances of every child in our school. Through nurturing, high expectations and skilled teaching, we will have a lasting and positive impact on our local and wider community.

We recognise that every child that attends our school is an individual and that different learning strategies suit different people. To ensure that every child can fulfil their potential, we tailor our provision of a comprehensive range of strategies to personalise learning in the classroom and beyond.

On a day-to-day basis, all children will benefit from:

  • Quality first teaching through activities planned to cater for different learning styles as appropriate e.g. hands-on, visual etc.
  • Differentiated task design to ensure children are challenged and successful at a level appropriate to them
  • Differentiated group teaching
  • Feedback, conferencing and target-setting which celebrates success and sets further challenge
  • A high quality learning environment which celebrates and supports learning
  • Outdoor learning opportunities
  • High quality resources including education software to support learning
  • Homework opportunities which consolidate and extend the learning in school


Within the school day, teachers and other adults working with the children add to these learning opportunities through:

  • Providing additional input and support as needed during the lesson to targeted individuals
  • Providing further intervention at another point during the same day to secure the learning needed to build on in the next lesson
  • Providing additional resources, such as visual timetables, additional home learning tasks, access to further educational software etc. targeted to individual need
  • Facilitating differentiated groupings within and beyond lessons to move children to the next stage in their learning as soon as is appropriate
  • Delivering targeted intervention programmes to individuals/small groups according to specific needs


Outside of normal school hours, teachers and other adults may work with children through:

  • After school intervention sessions, which usually take place in the Spring term, targeted at providing any additional teaching and support needed to ensure children meet their end of year targets
  • After school intervention sessions which explore the curriculum in a greater depth so that children who have mastered the objectives for their age range can practise applying them in a wider range of contexts
  • Before school intervention sessions which make use of the in-school IT facilities and access to educational software
  • Before/after school sessions with specialist intervention teachers
  • ‘Taster’ sessions at other schools within and/or outside of the Trust to raise children’s awareness of opportunities beyond the day-to-day curriculum


This is by no means an exhaustive list, but gives an indication of the opportunities available and how we tailor them to pupils’ needs. Regardless of whether a child is meeting the expectation for their age, has a special educational need or disability, is working to master the learning from the previous academic year or securing depth of learning in the current year’s objectives, our goal is always the same: every child should fulfil their maximum potential.

If you feel that your child has the capability to achieve more and that his/her teachers have not yet harnessed that potential, please let your class teacher or year leader know.